Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Occupational Environmental Health & Safety Alliance (OEHSA) is an organized labor organization and International Alliance that serves and advocates for improved Environmental Health & Safety of worker/labor.  OEHSA is a corporate responsibility non-governmental organization (NGO, i.e. OEHSA.ORG). 
Occupational Environmental Health & Safety Alliance (OEHSA) is a non-governmental (NGO), an International Alliance and a formal organized labor organization that advocates for workers to achieve improved worker conditions addressing Environmental Health & Safety issues.    
OEHSA works to achieve workplace change through the institution, implementation and enforcement of corporate/public Environmental Health & Safety policies and best practices that improve worker conditions and ensure Environmental Health & Safety.
OEHSA works on behalf of workers and laborers worldwide to collect information, conduct research and advocate Afor changes to address and reduce work place Environmental Health & Safety risks.
OEHSA provides worker advocacy, education, and outreach including forums to build institutional framework with civil and legal backing and power to negotiate and contest public and private powers concerning issues of Environmental Health & Safety.